
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Taking Down the Hat

To celebrate "100 Years of Magic" in 2001 (specifically 100 years since Walt had been born), the big Sorcerer's hat was placed at the end of Hollywood Boulevard in Disney's MGM Studios (now Hollywood Studios). One major complaint among the  Disney community is that the hat blocks the gorgeous Chinese Theater that houses the Great Movie Ride. I was only 5 in 2001, so I honestly do not remember the park before the addition of the hat. But of those who have been around longer than I have, many complain, saying it's unattractive, a bad use of space, and a terrible spot for it. The hat wasn't meant to be permanent, but it's been there for the same amount of time that it hasn't been there. The park opened in 89, the hat was added in 2001 (about 12 years without the hat) and it's now 2013 (12 years with the hat). So my opinion on that hat?

I have mixed feelings. No, I don't think this is an eyesore. This may be because it's pretty much the only way I've remembered the park. But I think the hat is kind of cool. From a child's point of view, the sight of the big hat as I enter the park is probably a better "wienie" than a theater at the end. I also think it looks kind of cool.

But I'm not saying I am in favor of keeping the hat. I do think that one of the reasons it was added was so that there could be a definite symbol to put on merchandise. If this is true, it doesn't seem to be a good reason since older merchandise and the new 2014 merchandise uses the Earful Tower to represent the park, and it looks just fine. Also, the hat doesn't use space wisely. I don't want my park symbol to be a pin trading station or a cover for the rain. The other park synbols all have something going for them. The castle (so beautiful it doesn't need any other purpose) has the restaurant inside, the Dream Suite, and a shop or two (although I don't remember seeing these shops open on my last trip...). Spaceship Earth and the Tree of Life both house attractions, Spaceship Earth is the home of a ride, and the Tree of Life shelters Tough to Be a Bug.

 I once heard that the hat was originally supposed to be built atop One Man's Dream, but for whatever reason wasn't. Whether this information was completely false or not, I think this would've been a great idea. It would draw people back to that side of the park and into the attraction without disrupting the view down Hollywood Boulevard.

So what do I think should be done with the hat? I've heard the idea of moving it out in front of the gates (where the Monsters University topiary was this past spring/summer), but I think that'd be rather odd to see that as I'm walking up to enter the park. If it couldn't have been placed on One Man's Dream originally, it probably wouldn't be a possible idea to movie it there, but if it could fit there that would be my first choice. Most call for the removal of the hat all together. Which might be happening fairly soon.

On Twitter, I've heard a number of people say they've heard from inside sources that the hat will be removed in the next year. I also heard this about 2013 though. Why am I believing it now? As I mentioned earlier, the 2014 merchandise doesn't feature the hat anymore. The merchandise has reverted back to using the Earful Tower to represent the park, along with Cinderella's Castle, Spaceship Earth, and the Tree of Life.

Honestly, I don't know if I care what happens to the hat. I'm cool with it staying since I don't have extremely strong objections to it. But I don't love it immensely, so it's free to go at any time. So I guess we'll wait for the official announcement from the company and see if this ever comes true. (Or maybe the company will start tearing down the hat without much fanfare.)

I do have to admit though, it does look pretty seeing the theater at the end of the boulevard. I don't feel like it evokes the same excitement for children as the hat might, but it does look very good. By the way, this photo is not mine. It came up in a quick search on a thread which also has some other cool older pictures from the parks, so feel free to just check it out real quick here.

Thanks for reading everyone and feel free to tell your opinions on the issue!

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